9. May 2018.


Once being issued with a building permit, the developer is obligated to register the commencement of construction work to the relevant inspection authorities at least 8 days prior to the commencement. The construction work is carried out in several stages with until the constructed facility is fit for the issuance of the use permit.

The next stage is drafting a flooring plan which is a drawing of the special segments of the building showing the final constructed area of ​​all residential and commercial spaces in the entire building. Then, the developer organizes the technical reception of the facility, and the Technical Reception Commission (after a detailed inspection of the facility) prepares a report with a proposal to issue a use permit.

After the use permit, which is issued at the developer’s request by the City Urban Planning Directorate, the facility is ready for registration.

The City Urban Planning Directorate sends, ex-officio, the permit to the relevant cadastre office that carries out registration of the entire building and all of its special segments. After this step is finished, the individuals who purchased apartments in the building can proceed with the registration of their apartments.