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Concrete on walls, floors, ceilings … Concrete is definitely a new and very unique expression of interiors with an attitude. Read on to see how this material demonstrates its full potential when it comes to home decorating.
In the rest of the world, the trend of green roofs and vertical gardens has been alive and well for years now, and it is slowly but surely coming to our country too. Do you know how these “green details” contribute to the idea of healthy, living, sustainable cities?
Penthouses represent real, downsized, personal kingdoms. Why are penthouse apartments called “ideal homes”? How are they perceived through history?
Yes, buildings have passports; energy ones. What does this document actually represent? Why is it important? How does it fit into the idea of sustainable construction?
Kako bi što duže zadržao karakterističnu teksturu drveta i odoleo zubu vremena, važno je znati kako se hrastov parket pravilno održava. Slede proverene preporuke.